Process is Power

Without a process, creative work is uncredibly hard to do. This is why I have created a structured approach to every new project in order to produce optimal results while working efficiently and channeling my creativity in the best way possible to solve the problems of your brand and business, enabling you to stand out from your competition and reach the right people for your products & services.

Client process

1. Kick off Call

After you contacted me through my contact form, we hop on a quick 15-30 min call to further discuss the scope of the project, meaning: the deliverables needed, your budget, the timeframe, and so on.

2. Making it official

After our call, I’ll send you a contract containing the legal framework for our project, the agreed-upon deliverables, and the budget for you to sign off on. Once I have received this contract back, I will share my brief questionnaire and the 75% deposit invoice with you. Once these are paid and filled out, our project can officially start!

3. Let the magic begin

Once the first two steps are ticked off and I also receive a mood board from you, I ramp up the creativity department in my brain and start my design process (more about that one down below) to create visual solutions for your business that I believe will take it in the best possible direction.

4. Presenting the goodness

After one to three weeks I am ready to present my work. During this call, I will walk you through my design process, and the thoughts and rationale behind every decision I made to ultimately distill the proposed concepts down to one final design. Afterward, I will send you the presentation so you can refer back to it when you put together feedback.

5. Revise or finalize

I recommend you take your time with this step and take a couple of days to let all the information I presented sink in before you provide consolidated feedback. Depending on the scope of adjustments required (if there even are any), I will send them over via email or we hop on an additional call to explain them in depth.

6. Done!

Once you sign off on the final design, I send you an invoice for the remaining 25% of the project. Once that has been paid, I prepare all the files and exports in a neatly organized way so you can start using them right away. I check in with my clients a couple of months after our project to see how they are doing, so pay attention to your inbox!

Creative process

1. Breakdown of the brief

Once we kicked off our project I will immerse myself in the brief and the moodboard you created to extract the most important and essential information from them. This research phase lays the groundwork for all creative decisions made that follow and I consider it one of the most important steps in the process.

2. Word mapping

Whenever I go through a brief, some words stand out more than others. Those words are explored through word mapping – a technique I use to find related words and ideas that could be translated into visual concepts. This stage sparks some initial ideas I built upon to explore further in the next step.

3. Sketching

Now comes the real fun part – getting my hands on some good old sketching! Now I execute the ideas sparked by the first two steps and explore them visually. This can take a couple of hours to complete. Once done, I dig through the dirt to hit on some of the gold nuggets created that can be explored further in the next step.

4. Refinement

After the sketching part, I usually have around 5-8 ideas that stand out from the others and redraw them to see if there are even better ways to execute them. Once satisfied, I start up Illustrator and vectorize these ideas, work them up with type, color, etc. That’s when the winner among them pops out from the screen.

5. Presentation

Once I am confident in the design that I think best speaks to your brand and goals, I expand on it with mockups that are specific to your industry so you can see how your brand will look in the real world. Then I create a detailed presentation taking you through each step in the process, all my design decisions, and so on. We go through the presentation together on a video call.

6. Revise or finalize

After I receive your feedback on the design presented, I will refine the design further if needed, or create a new option from scratch if that rare case should occur. If the changes are of significant nature, I will put together another presentation. Once the design is approved from your side, I work on all other deliverables that we agreed upon. Once these are all approved and the remaining invoice is paid, I put together a neatly organized file structure containing all files and export formats so you and your business are equipped with powerful designs that will help you take on the world with confidence!

If you have any questions regarding my process or inquire into working together please use my contact form for any inquiries.